Saturday, May 27, 2006

kinda wish that i could upload *.gif files to flickr .. that would be most convient. but anyway ..

dear mr. marie,
your birthday is tomorrow, but your party was last night! so i figured it's ok to put up your birthday post now. else you will be too busy opening up the "surprise" that mrs. mar sent from mimco (i really wonder what it is .. *koff*)

you are indeed a great shopping/sewing/jewellery-making/bead-shop-trawling/bubble-tea
-ing/ohnamiya-ing/procrastinating buddy! also you are very tolerant of the abuse that cousin and i put you through. the texta hairs we drew on your toes do eventually wash off.

please do your credit card a break and do some work, but keep on singing!! you are getting good at those arpeggios.

lynnie "ropey" loo

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