Saturday, September 09, 2006

today's programme has been brought to you by lynnie loo (), njstar communicator, and a mug.


传说中国上古时期共工有一个侄孙名叫伯夷。他曾辅佐尧掌管四岳,后来有协助大禹治水立了大功,尧帝就任命他为视官,制订出一套维护尊卑的视法制度伯夷因功而封于 「吕」这个地方,他的子孙世代为诸侯,历经、虞、夏、商、周前近二千年,到春秋时,吕国被楚国所灭吕国的工族为代就以国名姓,形成了最早的吕氏。周武王征伐朝时的主帅姜子牙,就是吕国工族子孙。




and now in english. if there are errors it'd be good if someone corrected me =P as i said before my mandarin is quite appalling.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a man named Bo Yi (pronounced buo-yee), who once assisted in governing Si Yue (Four Mountains?). Later on he did a smashing job in assisting King Yu in regulating waterways and was conferred the title of minister and given the title to a placed called “Lu”. His descendants were feudal lords of this land for almost 2000 years until the spring-autumn period (i’m guessing this is some kind of historical reference), when Lu Country was invaded and destroyed by Chu Country. This was when the people of Lu Country took on the surname “Lu”, and became the first Lu Clan. Jiang ZiYa is a famous Lu descendant.

Another historically famous Lu descendant is Lu Bu, whose story still thrills and brings joy to people.

* in pinyin this is pronounced as Lǚ


monk said...

thanks for the translation, and most especially for the graphic with photos.

the clear degeneration of the lineage of Lu is a tragic loss for all culture . . .

. . . but i hear they're relieved on the mainland.

my sympathies :)

Unknown said...

it's not so much a degeneration as a ... slight warping. anyway on the mainland there isn't anybody as special as we are that's for sure.