Wednesday, October 22, 2008

ach mensch! another shirt!

the more astute amongst you, my loyal readership (of perhaps 3) will notice that i've added a little widget above my flickr badge. spurred on by my first 2 sales, i've gotten a little more into this redbubble thing! but seeing as submission is due in 2 weeks exactly, i can't really get 110% into churning out shirts yet. but once i start putting more stuff up for sale, it'd be great if you could tell your friends about them! 

i learnt this phrase from zoot, who learnt it from her colleague at work. and because we're not sloppy with our references, i ran it by doktor blitzbeine who confirmed its authenticity. god forbid i turn up on one of these websites!! castle anthrax, a place of edumacation.

what i was aiming for here was a shirt that encapsulated the ennui of disenchanted hipsters all around the world. 

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