Sunday, June 15, 2008

sundays should be spent basking on the lawn at a cheese festival listening to a salsa band, consuming cheese platters, antipasto platters, beer-battered calamari, freshly-shucked oysters, yoghurt, lillypilly juice, wine, dippin' dots ice cream (for nostalgic purposes) and slushies (because you can't go to a festival without consuming a slushie).

mmm ...

dear sondha, sheep and cally,
this was the bestest weekend i've had in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages.

much love and many hugs,
s. bunnny


delphinium said...


i had much fun too girlie! I'm so glad you came!

delphinium said...

aiyoh, i just realised i posted that as you, since you're still logged in. hehe. i will make corrections.