Sunday, January 06, 2008

and we're back! hello, my 10-days neglected blog. pictures from tasmania were oh-kay...there was way more sightseeing, and i'm nowhere near as energetic as i was last year when we got back from kalbarri. so i haven't done the mandatory photo-stitching, and lots of the pics were just of us being silly. hah!

it was an excellent trip though! tasmania does have running water, lots of it in fact buttons. the lakes are superfantastic! we went white water rafting (of which there is no photographic evidence because our camera would have gotten very wet indeed), horse back riding, kayaking in the sea (of which there is some photographic evidence), o.d'd on oysters on new years eve .. and then there was the day we were lost and bushwalking for 7.5 hours that i'll tell you all about when i see you.

it was great! very memorable. tassie is a pretty place. and probably this is still holiday mode talking but i think this will be the year that the bunny goes outdoorsy! as a first step, i have suspended my wow account. *gasp* yes. indeed.

anyway, it's photo sorting time! as usual with flickr it's all back-to-front, so i'll start you off on the first pic here, and you can work your way backwards. and it appears that flickr uploadr has put them in not-quite-chronological order. yay. mildly confusing but you'll figure it out.

the view from our hotel window

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