Friday, November 02, 2007

black + white album

has anyone bought the new hives album? yes? yes? no?

anyway if you're thinking about buying it, here's a little heads up. it's not too bad. but you kind of have to be a fan to buy it i think.

put it this way, there's a few super-kicky-get-up-and-jump-around kind of songs. but there's some that literally make you go "ok next". the thing is, you know that if they do tour australia, that the gig is going to be rocking. these guys are fantastic live performers. and if you want to get the max out of you have to know the lyrics of the songs so you can howl along with pelle.

so the verdict is:
if you're a fan, definitely buy it because that'll encourage them to go on tour here! and if you're not a fan but are planning to see them live, borrow the album from a fan or get the nice songs off itunes! and if you're neither of the above well then ... well then ...

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