Tuesday, October 30, 2007

ADVERTORIAL! - a shameless plug

hello perthans. as you may or may not know, papy loo has just started his own real estate and business broking office, and his three lynnie loos have been recruited as office minions. lynnie loo 3 is a part-time receptionist (sexy yet professional receptionist voice 4real), lynnie loo 2 is the queen of organizational skills, and lynnie loo 1 is in charge of promotional material.

SO! with that in mind, i shall shamelessly plug this business to my blog readers. this may be a blog of silliness, but this is serious business people! this directly feeds the family loo.

now, it's not just real estate-y things that he does. you'll see from this picture that he is also a business broker i.e. he helps people sell businesses too.

i realize most of you might be too young to buy a house/business, or would rather spend your money on ebay rather than buy a house/business. however, if you know anyone who does want to buy/sell property/business, give us a holler!

Jeremiah Realty


da said...

i can seee ... your legs !!

Unknown said...

tee hee i realized that just recently. oh me oh my!