Monday, November 12, 2007

happy new week, readers! how was your sunday evening? mine was busier than a mongoloid porn inferno(click on that and keep on watching). but only, literally, in my dreams.

i had this mad dream about how stoo and i were swimming (yes, swimming) through the freezing ocean in nothing but wetsuits and utility belts, no breathing apparatus! we were heading toward this lighthouse on an island, kindof like in bioshock. anyway when we got to shore, moongchi was waiting for us.

we shed the wetsuits and underneath were jumpsuits. can u imagine? jumpsuits under wetsuits? but the utility belts were still there. and so three of us ran toward the lighthouse, behind which was this MASSIVE crazy looking building which we took to be some kind of secret service office. on the inside it looked like the water corp where stuie works.

did i mention that we had these spiderman abilities to stick to the ceiling when required? anyway, moongchi was patrolling the perimeter while stoo and i infiltrated the base. we were after some kind of document, which we yoinked from an employee while he was chatting at the water cooler. security was quite slack for a top secret government organization.

anyway, then we had to bail, but then they discovered the document was missing and ordered a lockdown on the premises, so stoo and i had to escape. having a terrible sense of direction though, i lost him and somehow ended up in this room with a girl who was tearing her clothes off. she was a chinese journalist whose boss kept changing his mind about things and her deadline was approaching so she was going crazy. then she jumped out a window, so i followed her. then she disappeared, but stoo was standing outside waiting for me and we made a stealthy escape.

we caught up with mooongchi, and we were all squatting on this rock planning and smoking perfectly hand-rolled cigarettes while our departure from the island now that the risk of getting discovered was higher.

and then i woke up.

it was super exciting. but now i am tired and i need a nap. happy monday morning !

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