Monday, March 20, 2006

everytime i am stressed, frustrated and/or grumpy, and i take it out on someone else (usually bboj), something goes wrong. like our network screws up, or my computer decides she doesn't want to work, or i roll over my toe with a swivel chair. on the other hand when i'm nice and calm and treating people with love and respect, the network kind of works, and my computer miraculously fixes herself, and the bleeding stops. not only that, but i kind of make progress with uni work and all's right with the world.

this had led me to conclude that karma is not a joke.

i was watching my name is earl[link] over the past week, (in addition to copious amounts of anime, and everybody hates chris, which hasn't helped my uni workload one bit) and as banal as the show seems, it kind of gave me a wake-up kick in the pants. so anyhoo, since it's lent and we're catholic, and it just seems like a nice thing to do, i have made some resolutions .. however, these won't just be 'til easter, or the end of the year. i'm going to do my best to stick with these from now until the day i become an old biddy and have the right to be as narky as i damn well please.

and now for the record, my starting-with-lent-but-lasting-for-awhile-longer-happy-karma-combination-resolutions are:

1. be more open to other people's ideas. even if you're wrong and i don't agree with you, your opinion matters!

2. be cool. if things pile up and look overwhelming, i will not vent my frustration on innocent bystanders. if i take things one step at a time, i shall prevail!!

3. perhaps stop swearing so much. please note, i did not say stop swearing COMPLETELY. just .. not so much.

that's just for starters. and if i can accomplish this, then i am t3h l33t!! stupid loser girlie for t3h w1n!!


monk said...

i think #s 1 and 2 are most definitely karma-enhancing.

#3? Profanity is a form of punctuation. Consider it emphasis.

key word there is "consider". meaning, nothing wrong with cussing if you're aware of it like the rest of your words.

if it upsets people around you, that's a potential karma problem. granma may not appreciate some of it.

then there's the other side of it: sometimes when little things we do (and cursing really is a little thing, unless you do it in front of little ones) upset others, it's their karma that's at issue.

mr. karma now retreats back into his reincavenation.

Unknown said...

you have a point there, but i find cursing doesn't help the situation when i'm in a situation that requires #2. so personally they're connected in a way.. maybe i should amend it to "no cursing when in a #2 situation lest i violate my resolutions, but at all other times it's ok".