Monday, September 29, 2008

the tale of ropey(lein)

so there was a little bit of an outcry re: the moongchi post from moongchi, and uncle raleigh asked if the tale of ropey would be told. therefore to appease them both and to prove that the name-calling shenanigans go both ways, i will now tell you how moongchi decided to give me a shitty nickname of my own and started calling me ROPEY. that's right, ROPEY.

let me explain moongchi's thought process, and the tenuous mental connections she made in order to come up with this gem.

step 1: take an existing nickname - in this case "nette" - which is what my family calls me.
step 2: play a word association game. when she thinks "net", she thinks "rope", because nets are made of rope.
step 3: add a 'y' to that. et voila!

right now you're probably looking a bit like this ("" =____=''') . but in moongs' own words, "it doesn't matter how it came about, the point is it stuck*. and if dj (the boyf) can call me moongchi, then i can call you whatever lame thing i want. in this case, ropey. okay?"


* how stuck is stuck? mutual friends and even my own cousin call me ropey. there moongs. happy?!


sheep said...

ropeyyyyy i lubtchoo

Unknown said...
