Wednesday, July 18, 2007

something has to be done about tay yek keak. and by something i mean the guy needs a stern talking-to at the very least. quick google search tells me he's a fairly esteemed writer, but lately his starsngripes column in the life! section has been unbearable.

if anyone knows anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone who knows him, please tell him to quit giving movies "clever nicknames".

this week alone, the ex was retitled the tanking of maximo lameness, which was a reference to the blossoming of maximo oliveiros, which was in turn dubbed the blossoming of blah blah blah. you get the picture.

and the griping is just that - griping. dude just rambles on and on about everything showing in the cinema right now with no point in sight. except maybe that last one about daniel radcliffe having some staying power in showbiz. i think. i don't know because i was kind of lost in all the waffle.

granted he does have good vocabulary and command of english but someone needs to tell him that you can't just throw all the fancy words you know into an article and hope it passes off as a good, credible, readable piece of writing.

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