Monday, February 26, 2007

today we were meant to leave the house at 8.30 to go to rottnest for a day of snorkeling and cycling (although i'd probably end up pushing the bike 75% of the way) and lazing around on the beach. but alas! the gods were not smiling upon us, and the one day we choose to go on our merry adventure is the one day in summer in thunderstorms. not even a "showers clearing in the afternoon" but a full on thunderstorm complete with power surges and flickering lights.

rained in
how sad!

in other news, da has put up pictures of dad's birthday on her blog. look at how thrilled he is with his presents! especially because they were wrapped in newspaper!

update: it was a scorcher this afternoon after this morning's thunderstorm. worst. day. ever.

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