Thursday, February 08, 2007

i'm not entirely sure how yvonne turned into bevonce (pronounced bee-von-say). i think it's because derel started calling her bevonne (pronounced bee-vonnay), and then khai said "i think bevonce sounds better". so anyway henceforth, she is known as bevonce. yes yes, because you are "bootylicious"! if that makes you happy.

wanyhoo, i present the results of last night's photoshopjob.

bevonce take 2

i know i knooooow the face position is a little bit wonky. given some practice though, i will morph the two perfectly. till then, ドゾ!!

update: did some minor tweakings on the previous image. you can see the difference if you compare both photos! now the under-chin-shadow that could be mistaken for multiple-chins-melted-into-one-chinny-mess is reduced! happy bevonce? i think this result is much improved.

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