Wednesday, October 05, 2005

help required:

dear singapore citizens/permanent residents/expats,

would you be so kind as to keep a look out for these specific chinese medicine pills? they are called "manhood pills" i think, and the box has a picture of an asian guy flexing his massive muscles on the front. not a real guy, but a drawn one. very cheap looking. i came across a discarded box on a bus once, but then i misplaced it. i wish i had it again =( not the contents, just the box. it contains all kinds of wonderful chinese goodies such as essence of tiger testicles and bear penis. you know that kind of libido-boosting stuff. i remember that somewhere on the box, probably under the classy picture of abovementioned muscleman, are the words 猛男一号。which literally mean fierce (i.e. manly) man number one.

if anyone could procure a bottle of the stuff for me (or indeed, just the box is enough .. or just tell me where to find some) it would be most appreciated.


ampulets said...

well, i spotted at my neighbourhood supermarket bottles of alcohol/tonic from China that is supposed to have the same effect.

the label is a pic of a phallus-shaped mountain. more subtle and not as funny.

Unknown said...

hahaha. so dodgy! i always remember how in year 12 our chinese teacher read us a poem written by mao zedong, in which he used a song1 shu4 (dunno what type of tree that is) as an analogy for his massive erection.