Tuesday, June 07, 2005

ok so ben's left for singapore last night, so posting will resume slowly ... now i have to do assignments! *grar*

o CADfairy! where art thou in this, my hour of need.

[wails and gnashes teeth]

o BBOJ ... hurry back soon !! it was fun having you around.

[scuttles off to find appropriate friendster testis to plagiarize]

faNkyOuz 4 suCh a meMoRaBLe TiMe, iT wAs reaLLi niCee ^_^ sAmUrAiBuNnIeEeEe iSh sOo haPpi daT sHe gOt 2 sPeNd ShO mAnY dAyZ wiF U.. iTz 1 fiNg a raReLy geT a chAnCe
2 dO bEcOz wE r On DiFf CoNtInEnTz. I reaLLi cheRiSh & loNg 4 deSe daYz.. wAiTin iN aNtiCipAtiOn 4 dA nXt oCCaSioN wheRe wE cAn sEe eaChotHa. veRy eXpeNsiVe thO =/ nExTtImE mUz ShOp LeSs EaT mOrE !! *nGiEk*NgIeK*nGiEk*

sAmUrAiBuNnIeEeEe hAd a faNtaStiC daY & iSh veRy veRy haPpi beYoNd woRdz ^_^ fAnkyOu baBy, 4 eVeRyFin u"vE dOne 4 mE & aLL dA tiMe U giVe 2 speNd wiF mE whEneVa U cAn.. I feeL soOo luCki & touChed beCoz I haVe suCh a luVing, cAriNg & giVing bF liKe yOu ^_^ ~! *huUuGggzZz*


ok so i just cut n pasted someone's testis but hey, it can't be ripping off intellectual property when it's soooooo not intellectual right? yes yes, eachotha is now a word ... and so is fingz.

p.s. for the uninitiated, that was a complete piss-take ok ?? OKAY ?!! i really don't talk like that. serious. i swear !!

/me strikes an ah lian pose. feel free to vomit now.

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