Thursday, June 30, 2005

at work yesterday ...

guy to his daughter: d'you want macadamia nut or cookies and cream?
little girl: nut cream daddy !!
guy: erm .. cookies and cream?
little girl: NUT CREAM! NUT CREAM!!

hehe. nut cream

Sunday, June 26, 2005

the first of our paper dolls are complete !!

it took three days, but we finally did it *lol* no thanks to retarded directly translated instructions such as "tuck the fold into the fold. join, and glue". still, we did like we were told, and treated the little doll "with the same tenderness as we would our own child" (no obvious signs of abuse), and so without futher ado, i present to you all ...

a paper doll's story - from conception to completion

day 1 - structure
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day 2 - ornamentation
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day 3 - hairy !!
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mine's the one in the centre. she had the worst hair !! i kinda went overboard trimming her hair and she turned out looking like the paper doll version of the high school nerd. but no worries, after a successful hair transplant, she looks cute again.

props to linda and catherine for providing food and shelter for the doll-making sweatshop.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

holidays = laaaaaaziness. there's a whole bunch of projects that various people (linda and stoo) and i have decided we should embark on:

1. stencilling of clothes (kiiiinda successful .. one item made)
2. japanese paper dolls (taking a very long time. however, we are pretty much past kimono stage, leaving only hair to do)
3. watch copious amounts of anime (so what's new)
4. laze around.

so that's about it. waiting for new graphics card so i can indulge in my new guilty pleasure. TOP SECRET guilty pleasure hokai?

Sunday, June 19, 2005

props to supersecretninjagirlie for taking us to paris !!

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shopping! balenciaga ok .. don't play play
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at the eiffel tower.

"hw come we r so creative when its non-uni related .. if we were this good DURING semester we'd sweep allthose architecture prizes" - linda

Saturday, June 18, 2005

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forget books like how to win friends and influence people. when you get clowns on friendster with 7 full accounts (that's roughly at least 3500 "friends" and 84 pictures, folks) not to mention pages of testis like:

......... , . - . - , _ , .......
......... ) ` - . .> ' `( .......
........ / . . . .`\ . . \ ........
........ |. . . . . |. . .| ........
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........... `=(\ /.=` .........
............. `-;`.-' ............
............... `)| ... , ........
................ || _.-'| ........
............. ,_|| \_,/ ........
....... , ..... \|| .' .............
....... |\ |\ ,. ||/ .............
.... ,..\` | /|.,|Y\, ............
..... '-...'-._..\||/ .............
......... >_.-`Y| ..............
.............. ,_|| ...............
................ \|| ...........
................. || ..........
................. || ...........
................. |/ ...........

| ()"*"() A Rose For
| ( 'o', ) A Rose...
|(,,)=(,,) Stay Lovely & Beautiful always!!
( >o*)
(>""<) Thanks for having me in your life....Forever Young!!
(O)(O) Macau Nando [wtf mate??!!]

you just know there is a better way to put yourself out there and sell yourself to the world.

so after some pretty thorough research, samuraibunny and her supersecretninjagirlie have narrowed it down to two simple steps, which we will now share with you.

step 1:
have a profile that says something in the vein of "i am a simple gal as out of your thinking ... please please please pretty PLEASE add me to your list even if i dont know you it's ok lah we can still be goot flen. [insert email address(es)]" <= all those parentheses made that look so mathematical! gooo mathematical genius girlie!!

step 2:
think of a pose to use for your pictures. "cute" poses are preferable, as are poses showing your "best side". we guarantee all your pictures will look equally cute (that it's because they all effectively look the same is irrelevant). cheesy captions optional, but preferred.

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alternatively, if you have very few friends (read: less than 500) and only one friendster profile from which to share your extensive gallery of self-portraits, photoshop can help! by using the very simple cut + paste + free-transform tools, you can create a collage of yourself in various different poses.

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of course we don't have as many cute photos as the original friendster whores, so our collage is vastly inferior, but you get the picture. so go forth and *friendsterize, young padawans, and make these uncute, soon-to-be-friended loser/joker girlies proud.

*we are not responsible for any ridicule you suffer as a result of this advice. or, as some people like to say "advices".

p.s. apologies for any inappropriate font-sizes you may encounter. blogger is pretty erratic.

Monday, June 13, 2005

if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands !!

[awkward silence]


Thursday, June 09, 2005

i was supposed to wait for stoo to send me some photos for a poster and such, but i got impatient. jumping the gun a bit, i created a sneak-preview type poster in lieu of the actual poster-poster.

as promised, here is the premise of our sci-fi-romanti-tragi-comedy. this is just the basic premise but do expect some [insert manly voice-over] gut-wrenching emotion (schapelle corby styles yo') ... heart-stopping plot twists ... dizzying highs and rock-bottomular lows ... etcetc

so without further ado, from the forces that brought you samuel l. jackson's papal campaign (minus one), samuraibunny in conjunction with the ultratoxophilic stooge bring you:

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background story:

humanoid race is created by a god (God? proper noun? let's just call him G) who decided that gaps should exist between the digits of said race, because that way, members of the opposite sex could find their true love by finding the someone from somewhere whose fingers fill their finger-gaps perfectly. how does this work? (rhetorical question) well these humanoids are made such that their fingers on one hand are fused together at the tips, and the person who is meant for them is born with a matching side, so that their fingers slot into the gaps perfectly.


also, the fingers will be the right size to fit finger-gaps so it's really quite a difficult potentially life-long quest! however, when they do find each other, their sense of satisfaction will be so grea they can i dunno ... create a blog of love or something. but anyway, i digress.

in our story, boy and girl meet, boy and girl fall in love, HOWEVER !! boy and girl are *gasp*shock*horror* not matching finger-gappy partners. die lah so how ??!! after much emotional turmoil and many sleepless nights, boy and girl decided to go for finger splicing operation together so they can forever fill in gaps between their fingers ambidextrously.

knn so complicated. but WAIT! not done yet.

after going through operation, boy and girl are elated that they can mutually finger-gap fill, but then, not conforming to society's norms, they are ostracised. their families disown them and they are banished to live in a tundra (or some similarly poetic barren wasteland). on their way to this tundra (for it is far away) they meet similar couples who have been banished (perhaps it shall be called the tundra of bittersweet love) and together they work to build a small commune.

slowly, more couples hear of this and the community grows, and soon things get ugly because
this community is becoming more militant at the thought of having to live like refugees all because of their undying love and unfortunate finger configurations.

these people start forming plans to storm the rest the planet (loopholular but we'll fix it. maybe it's a very small planet inhabited by very big people. ANYWAY ...) their seige works because unlike the so-called normal folk who effectively have only ONE functional hand, these "freaks" actually have two working hand and therefore can hold TWO guns.

being outnumbered thus, "regular" society kowtows to the awesome power of two working hands and the power of love. boy and girl live as king and queen of this new freeform society.


linda's suggestion with minor embellishments: girl no. 2 who believes in old-fashioned love come along with finger configurations that perfectly match that of the boy (now the king), thereby creating a saucy love-triangle. ooooooooooh ... i smell a sequel.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

assignment of not-so-doom is due tomorrow, but stoo and i came up with a neat idea for a sci-fi-romanti-tragi-comedy so check back soon to read it!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

ok so ben's left for singapore last night, so posting will resume slowly ... now i have to do assignments! *grar*

o CADfairy! where art thou in this, my hour of need.

[wails and gnashes teeth]

o BBOJ ... hurry back soon !! it was fun having you around.

[scuttles off to find appropriate friendster testis to plagiarize]

faNkyOuz 4 suCh a meMoRaBLe TiMe, iT wAs reaLLi niCee ^_^ sAmUrAiBuNnIeEeEe iSh sOo haPpi daT sHe gOt 2 sPeNd ShO mAnY dAyZ wiF U.. iTz 1 fiNg a raReLy geT a chAnCe
2 dO bEcOz wE r On DiFf CoNtInEnTz. I reaLLi cheRiSh & loNg 4 deSe daYz.. wAiTin iN aNtiCipAtiOn 4 dA nXt oCCaSioN wheRe wE cAn sEe eaChotHa. veRy eXpeNsiVe thO =/ nExTtImE mUz ShOp LeSs EaT mOrE !! *nGiEk*NgIeK*nGiEk*

sAmUrAiBuNnIeEeEe hAd a faNtaStiC daY & iSh veRy veRy haPpi beYoNd woRdz ^_^ fAnkyOu baBy, 4 eVeRyFin u"vE dOne 4 mE & aLL dA tiMe U giVe 2 speNd wiF mE whEneVa U cAn.. I feeL soOo luCki & touChed beCoz I haVe suCh a luVing, cAriNg & giVing bF liKe yOu ^_^ ~! *huUuGggzZz*


ok so i just cut n pasted someone's testis but hey, it can't be ripping off intellectual property when it's soooooo not intellectual right? yes yes, eachotha is now a word ... and so is fingz.

p.s. for the uninitiated, that was a complete piss-take ok ?? OKAY ?!! i really don't talk like that. serious. i swear !!

/me strikes an ah lian pose. feel free to vomit now.