Wednesday, November 18, 2009

things are well hectic ..

but only one more day before it's all over !!

..... for this year. /bowbow... come back once more next semester/

quite a bit has happened but it's not really flowing from mind to print. if i see you round i'll tell you all about it! i have my new spectacle frames off ebay and they are spectacular. they look just like my current ones, only they're made of wood. that's right, timber-framing. so architectural.

the big puunkroc wedding is literally days away. 75% family reunion! dramz! champagne! pretty dresses! and i'll get to crack out the hot shoes that k-dawg got me for the HIA awards ^___^

and speaking of k-dawg, here's a couple of pictures he drew a few sundays ago on his phone's sketchbook.
this one is called sunday art:

and this is a "portrait" he drew of me:

isn't that sweet? apparently it's a perfect likeness. it's my train face. reserved just for you if you are being a goat, or wearing leggings as trousers. or worse, leggings that look like jeans (which i read are called 'jeggings'). here's a tip: do some squats, burn your sham trousers, then take this $30 and get yourself a pair of real denim jeans from anywhere.

like a naf jeanery perhaps?

urgh. jeggings.

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