Friday, October 02, 2009

i don't really know whether this counts as flogging a dead horse, but i don't think i'm ready to let this blog go yet for some reason. so anyhoo, in some attempt to keep it afloat i'm going to blog about my mid-semester break.

things i/we set out to achieve:
  1. go hiking and camping
  2. organize/streamline/re-arrange my room
  3. get k's fishtankaquascape set up
  4. catch up with people i haven't seen in ages
  5. catch up on uni work
so obviously only one of those targets has been achieved. no. 2 is in progress, no. 3 will happen tomorrow hopefully (i just want to name the fish), 4. has been postponed to next week and 5. will happen .. eventually.

and oh by the way the trip to melbourne was fucken A thanks for asking (^____^)

i think we probably managed to squeeze in a week's worth of activities into 4 days. a car was rented, there was a dali exhibition, much eating, some shopping, caught up with stoo, caught up with mun, caught up with clinton and hannah (k's friends), had a stickybeak at a five-axis router workshop (romantic!), and went hiking/camping at wilsons promontory.

the weather was shit, and wilsons prom was bitterly cold, thus i was way too lazy about taking my hands out of my pockets to take photos. k however, took some extremely pretty photos and i was given the go-ahead to put them on my flickr page.

product placement no. 1
this camping trip brought to you by audi

some of the others can be viewed in his stalkbook album.

things we learned from this trip:
  1. no more flights that leave before 9am
  2. never keep snacks in your tent when there are wombats about (hah to you people in the neighbouring campsite)
  3. wombats like sakata crackers
  4. order your wet-weather gear at least 2 weeks before you leave for your trip
  5. mini-hotpot is a great idea
  6. watch for low-lying branches
  7. always add 2 hours on top of your time estimates for any plan you make
  8. most continental cars don't have fuel-cap release buttons anymore

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