Friday, June 12, 2009

like i said in my previous post, design submission for this semester is over! our projects were on exhibition for a week and yesterday we met up as a group to take it down. i think we had the best ever design group this semester and it's a little sad that we won't be working together anymore.

alia has all the pictures of the exhibition, you can check it out on her facebook page if you have facebook (haha who doens't have facebook? >__<) it's in an album called "the wait". or you can have a look at some of them on N's blog although they're mostly of his own project.

you can check out my final presentation booklet on flickr:

after damien's debrief/feedback session, ali, alia, nicky and i took some photos of our models. it only took a million years and a lot of sun-chasing but we finally managed it. i'm sure they'll be posting up pics of their own projects on their respective blogs.

here are the photos of my treehouse going for a walk!
actually in a tree

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