Thursday, January 01, 2009

so folks, it's the first post of 2009. and what a massive post it will be!! i will try to keep things succint because i haven't blogged since 18 dec 2008 and lots has happened lately!

first of all, congratulations are in order for daryl elizabeth kitty, elder brother of raleigh rockparty. come november next year, he shall be the first cousin on mum's side of the family (that we care about) to get married! 

now to explain my absence since the last time i updated here.

on the 20th we set off on our annual loo hq roadtrip, minus baby loo this time because she's away in france. this year we went to pemberton, which is about a 4-hour drive south-west of where we live. on day 1 we were quite adventurous, going walking on a bush-trail, completely undeterred by the misfortune that befell us the last time we tried bush-walking. this time, the signage was much better so there was none of that wandering-around-aimlessly-for-8-hour guff. 

breakfast on the go

on day 2 however, we were hit by really bad weather which we later found out was a downgraded cyclone. not only was it raining like a m*th*f*ck*, the power was out most of the time so we spent most of our time indoors reading. then the rain seemed to have eased up so we thought we could head out someplace for lunch. only to find when we reached the town centre that everything was shut due to power failures. thus, we dined on a gourmet luncheon of BP sandwiches and rolls while watching episodes of 'allo 'allo. 

day 3 was a bit better. most places had their power back, and even though it was still raining, there was enough sunshine for us to head out.  so, having all that excess energy from being cooped up the day before, we decided to climb the gloucester tree! about halfway up the 61m tree i realised that i was scared of heights, but dad said that if you climbed all the way to the top, you'd get a certificate after. so i kept going, but when we got down dad said "i'm not sure about this cert thing. anyway we've gone past the entrance already". so then, no certificate. however, there is photographic evidence that we did make it all the way to the top, so i suppose that's okay.

and then on day 4 we went home.

and then christmas came along where there was much feasting.

and then new years' came along where there was much feasting. 

milly and matt

and tomorrow, teenage rockparty is heading to SOUTHBOUND !!!!!!!!!!! 

many a-preparation has been made for southbound; food has been purchased (salsa, dip, 3 types of cracker not including matt), prepared (stay tuned for the tale of the smuggle bread!), and packed. we leave for busselton around 10.30am tomorrow. can anybody say the hives? THE HIVES?!?! T.H.E H.I.V.E.S !!!!!!!! excitement to the max with bells on!!

head over to flickr for photos and more in-depth commentary if you're interested, and see you in 3 days!!

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