Monday, December 18, 2006

holy family church confirmation class of 2000's 6th year reunion was a roaring success!! ROAR !! at about 5 or 6 zoot and i had a panic attack that nobody would turn up except us, leslie and winky. because out of all the people i notified, a grand total of 3 RSVPed =_= and in typical sg fashion, they were initially so enthusiastic about everything and then didn't turn up. and those who completely did not reply all turned up. phew ! talk about livin' on the edge.

anyway, zoot and i decided to play it cool (or kiasu), so we got to the place at 8, and hung about outside for smokes just to observe if anyone we knew was there yet. and then leslie calls at 10 past going " guys coming in??" so we had no choice but to forge bravely on. and it was indeed the 3 of us till about 8.30. then winky arrived. and then everybody else trickled in and thusly my conservative target of 5 people was reached =D and THEEEN even more people turned up! and most stayed till midnight or 1-ish, which was very kind. and at 2-ish the management subtly told all their patrons to fuck off by switching the lights on. so we proceeded for supper and then went home. ta daa! you may all call me the queen of katong. first katong, then the world !!!

best turn-down for the evening came from someone zoot called (called S here, for Somebody)

Z: hey! lynette and i are organizing this mad reunion
S: OH. i can't go.
Z: um..huh?
S: because so-and-so will be there, and i can't go. i can't see him. he calls me all the time. if he's going i can't go.
Z: oh. but um .. he won't be there. lynette checked already. anyway it's on xx date at xx time.
S: oh. i can't go. i think i'll be away.

talk about avoidance.

but anyway it was great. and when zoot FINALLY uploads pictures, i will nick them to show them off to everyone.

1 comment:

Les said...

waz a good night...
thank you :)
