nicked from zoot girlie-tron
Favourites favourite colour: brack. pink. purper.
favourite food: ice cream
favourite song(s): fat-bottomed girls and spread your wings by queen. lazy line painter jane by belle & sebastian
favourite movie:
harvie krumpetfavourite sport: um. twister? is that a sport? i don't really watch or do sport.
favourite day of the week: a sunday without church. those are great and lazy.
favourite season: autumn
favourite ice-cream: ben & jerry's cherry garcia (an SLF staple!), or haagen dazs green tea
Currents current mood: work is for schmucks. why am i here?!
current taste:
lotus leavescurrent clothes: a green dress that mum says looks like a house-coat but i think is cute
current deskstop: dilarang merokok
current toenails: au naturale
current time: 10.04am
current surroundings: office. surrounded by snacks and an apple.
current annoyances: 9 - 5ing. and this country in general.
current thoughts: nando's chicken, whether i should get a laptop, whether the cheque i got from work has cleared ... oh and also contemplating my future. deep huh!
Firsts first best friends: my primary school partner. i don't think i was good to her though ... we don't really talk anymore
first crush: han solo (the shame)
first movie: i .. don't. remember *sniffle* probably some disney movie!
first lie: i didn't do it.
first music: whitney houston stuff! on a voicetape made by a filipino maid.
Lastslast cigarette: at vie bar.
last drink (alcohol): white wine at the company dinner last night
last car ride: home from the company dinner last night.
last crush: shh .. cannot say! they might read this blog. and then they will know.
last movie:
a battle of wits (
last phone call: from mother i think.
last CD played:
the lovers
Have you ever have you ever dated your best friend: yes
have you ever broken the law: i suppose shinobi missions are a chargeable offence. so yes.
have you ever been arrested: no
have you ever skinny-dipped: no
have you ever been on tv: yes! when i was 14.
have you ever kissed someone you don’t know: nooooo
5 things you are wearing: an auntie-ish purple shirt with flowers and a peter-pan collar. topshop skinny jeans (with lycra!) a home-made charm bracelet. havaianas with monkeys on them. spectacles that make me look intellectual and credible.
4 things you done today: woke up. brushed teeth. took the bus. skived off work to go to breakfast.
3 things you can hear right now: doncha on class fucken 95. the clacking of my own typing. various colleagues coughing.
1 thing you do when you are bored: waste office resources with quizzes to update my blog