Friday, April 21, 2006

* pretty off-colour post ahead, turne backe all ye who are easily offended. and if you are easily offended but are pretending not to be, then ye have been warned-eth.

found this blog courtesy of dee.

it was kind of confusing when i first read it, because it looked like some "story of our love" bullshit written by a typical act-cute singaporean girl. then i realized it was a "story of our love" by 2 singaporean boys. zomg! that's a bit different.

it's probably not new. previously the most open same-sex relationships were butch-femme affairs in all-girls' schools, and there never really seemed to be any negativity toward them. but if you read these guys' tagboard, the amount of opposition they face, and hatred directed at them is pretty stunning. and i think it's fair to assume that much of the hating is from guys saying "you guys aren't natural" blahblahblah.

here's the thing: i think it's fair to say that pretty much all guys watch porn, which pretty much consists of one or many guys boning one or many girls. if you're a guy, and you'd gladly take a perve at a girl taking it up her butt, then what's the diff between kinky bum sex between guys? same hole you know. and i know at least two people who'd kill to get hot lesbians for their birthday. you know those girls would technically be "gay" and "homosexual" too right?

personally, i don't know why, but i somehow find the idea of some random ah lian cutesy about hoooow much her luuuurves her baby honey darling boy more annoying/repulsive than a couple of chinese boyband lookalikes doing the same thing. maybe it's because i feel that for them to be so unabashed is kind of brave. it does take a small amount of guts to tell everyone that you're not "normal", especially in such a repressed environment.

luckily for these still-in-school out gay boys, they are not the only gays in the village. in recent times it's become tres fashionable to be a gay in singapore. did you know that [insert name of tv presenter/actor/actress] is in fact a gay? no! i always thought it was that other one! he's the one with the moustache.

anyhoo after all that rambling, the point i'm trying to make is, unless the gay person in question is a(n) rapist/murderer/kiddy fiddler/stinge/old-people-con-artist/hobo-beater/boorish employer/lazy employee/bad driver/fashion criminal/all-round bad guy/adolf hitler, don't be hating them because of the way they are, or the way they choose to be. y'all.

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