Saturday, December 03, 2005

there was this "article" in the new paper today about singaporean bloggers blogging about mundane things, and engaging in slagging matches with each other blahblahblah, while bloggers overseas talk about "dollars & sense". nice one new paper. hurhur. all very crever.

far be it from me to judge *koff* but singapore is packed full of weird goings-on, that there must be more to their lives than in-depth discussion of some potential starlet's decolletage (real or not?! - please discuss).

for example, on the bus the other day, we went past a truck declaring itself to be the property of AMEROIDS LOGISTICS. WHAT?! a company has named itself after a painful and embarrassing ailment? unfortunately this roving eye didn't have her camera on her that day. however, i did spot a company with a far more appropriate name:

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just imagine their interviews .. "can you PACKAGE ?! are you ready to BE A MAN ?!?! ROAAAARR !!" [insert chest-thumping here]


monk said...

good . . . very good :)

you are obviously having fun -- you never lack a sense of humor, and it seems to be thriving.

envious *intense frown*

Unknown said...

singapore is a funny place!

Puunkroc said...

There's nothing like a manlee package