Sunday, September 21, 2008

so in the realm of facebook ridiculousness, craggy b found a "which filipino superhero are you" quiz and it turns out that we're from the same superhero team!



because of the colours we happened to be wearing at the time of this momentous discovery, craggy b is gallion magdalion - head of zaido; i am alexis lorenzo - a boy from a poor family (spare me my life from this monstrosity); and zoot is (rather unwillingly) cervano torres - alexis' cousin who was adopted by the wealthy torres family.

so anyway, it's just another exciting sunday in castle anthrax (zaido hq), fighting crime and the like in shiny RGB outfits.

update: rather disappointingly, it turns out that zoot is actually lastikman, so we've got an opening for a new red zaido. anybody? nobody? dust?


STUART GOH said...

"gallian magdalion"? fail!

Unknown said...

what d'you mean?! it rhymes n everything! it's guh-reat.

STUART GOH said...

and what if he had siblings? the rhyme scheme would have to be carried on presumably

scallion magdalion

stallion magdalion

medallion magdalion

Unknown said...

well there you go, you just answered your own question.

dallian magdalion

italian magdalion

battalion magdalian

medallion magdalian